Michael Kisielewski
Johnson, K., J. Scott, T. Sasyniuk, D. Ndetei, M. Kisielewski, S. Rouhani, S. Bartels, V. Mutiso, A. Mbwayo, D. Rae, and L. Lawry. 2014. “A national population-based assessment of 2007–2008 election-related violence in Kenya.” Conflict and Health, 8(2). Available at www.conflictandhealth.com/content/pdf/1752-1505-8-2.pdf.
Scott, J., S. Polak, M. Kisielewski, M. McGraw-Gross, K. Johnson, M. Hendrickson, and L. Lawry. 2012. “A mixed-methods assessment of sexual and gender-based violence in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo to inform national and international strategy implementation.” The International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 29 October. Available at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/hpm.2144/full.
Johnson, K., J. Asher, M. Kisielewski, and L. Lawry. 2012. “Former combatants in Liberia: the burden of possible traumatic brain injury among demobilized combatants.” Military Medicine, 177(5):531-40. Abstract
Lawry L., C. Reis, M. Kisielewski, and J. Asher. 2011. “Problems in Reporting Sexual Violence Prevalence.” American Journal of Public Health, 101, No. S1:22 300-347. Abstract
Johnson, K., J. Scott, B. Rughita, M. Kisielewski, J. Asher, R. Ong, and L. Lawry. 2010. “Association of Sexual Violence and Human Rights Violations with Health and Mental Health in Territories of the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.” Journal of the American Medical Association, 304(5):553-562. Available at http://jama.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=186342.
Kisielewski, M., and J.C. Curtis. 2015. The Need to Know: Faculty Salaries in Sociology and Other Disciplines, 2015. Washington, DC: American Sociological Association. Available at www.asanet.org/documents/research/pdfs/ASA_NeedtoKnow_0715.pdf.
Kisielewski, M., with J.C. Curtis. 2014. Faculty Position Opportunities in Sociology Appear to Hold Steady: Position Postings from the 2013 ASA Job Bank. Washington, DC: American Sociological Association. Available at www.asanet.org/documents/research/pdfs/2013_ASA_Job_Bank_Analysis.pdf.
Spalter-Roth, R. and M. Kisielewski. 2014. Sociology Faculty Salaries Appear to Be Better Off: 2013-2014 Faculty Salary Brief for Sociology and Other Social Science Disciplines. Washington, DC: American Sociological Association. Available at www.asanet.org/documents/research/pdfs/AY2013_2014_Salary_Survey_Brief.pdf.
Kisielewski, M and R. Spalter-Roth. 2013. Some Sociology Faculty Salaries Edge Up: 2012-2013 Faculty Salary Brief for Sociology and Other Social Science Disciplines. Washington, DC: American Sociological Association. Available at www.asanet.org/documents/research/pdfs/AY2012_2013_Salary_Survey_Brief.pdf.
Spalter-Roth, R. and M. Kisielewski. 2013. On the Road to Recovery: Findings from the ASA 2012–2013 Job Bank Survey. Washington, DC: American Sociological Association. Available at www.asanet.org/documents/research/pdfs/2012_2013_ASA_Job_Bank_Survey.pdf.
Spalter-Roth, R., M. Kisielewski, and N. Van Vooren. 2013. The Victory of Assessment?: What’s Happening in Your Department? The AY 2011-2012 Department Survey. Washington, DC: American Sociological Association. Available at www.asanet.org/documents/research/pdfs/2012_ASA_Dept_Survey_Two.pdf.
Senter, M.S., N. Van Vooren, M. Kisielewski, and R. Spalter-Roth. 2012. What Leads to Student Satisfaction with Sociology Programs? Washington, DC: American Sociological Association. Available at www.asanet.org/documents/research/pdfs/Bachelors_and_Beyond_2012_Brief1_Satisfaction.pdf.
Spalter-Roth, R., J. Shin, and M. Kisielewski. 2012. The “Down-the-Hall” Phenomenon: Preparing the Next Generation of Faculty to Use Innovative Pedagogy. Washington, DC: American Sociological Association. Available at www.asanet.org/documents/research/pdfs/ASA_Data_Brief_TRAILS_1002012.pdf.
Spalter-Roth, R. and M. Kisielewski. On the Upswing: Findings from the ASA 2011-2012 Job Bank Survey. Washington, DC: American Sociological Association. Available at www.asanet.org/documents/research/pdfs/2011_2012_ASA_Job_Bank_Survey_Brief.pdf.
Asher, J., M. Kisielewski, and J.C. Rosa. 2010. A Preliminary Study of the Human Rights Violations Databases of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum. Harare: Technical paper prepared for the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum (StatAid Technical Report #2).
Kisielewski, M., J.C. Rosa, and J.L. Asher. 2010. Statistical Approaches to Developing Indicators of Armed Violence. Geneva: Technical paper prepared for Small Arms Survey (StatAid Technical Report #1). Available at www.genevadeclaration.org/fileadmin/docs/Indicators/Statistical_Approach_to_Armed_Violence_Indicators.pdf
Kisielewski, M., J. Asher, and S. Hansen, S. 2007. Intellectual Property Experiences in the United Kingdom Scientific Community. Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Hansen, S., M. Kisielewski, and J. Asher. 2007. Intellectual Property Experiences in the United States Scientific Community. Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Westerburg, S., J. Asher, M. Kisielewski, and S. Hansen. 2007. Intellectual Property Experiences in the German Scientific Community. Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Kisielewski, M. and T.F. LeDoux. 2009. “Democratic Participation.” Pp. 153–166 in Handbook on Building Cultures of Peace, ed., J. de Rivera. New York: Springer.